
Rsrp lte
Rsrp lte

rsrp lte rsrp lte

The corresponding SINR means for each MCS from MCS (0) to MCS (28) were between 5.33 and 20.38 dB, and the overall MCS SINR mean was approximately 6.04 dB. _CoberturaTextView.Text = string.Format("Cubrimiento: ", cellDataEntity. The average DL throughputs for each MCS from MCS (0) to MCS (28) were in the range of 22.9149.71 Mb/s, with an overall MCS average throughput of 18.87 Mb/s. Var list = _telephonyManager2.AllCellInfo // list with 0 elements!! _telephonyManager2.Listen(_cellSignalStrengthListener2, PhoneStateListenerFlags.CellInfo) However I can get a RSRP value for signal strength and I saw that there are some formulas to convert RSSI to RSRP and back, but I dont know how to apply them in Android. TelephonyManager _telephonyManager2 = (TelephonyManager)this.GetSystemService(Context.TelephonyService) RSRP gives you an idea of the strength of the signal it gets from the network, but it is not clear indication of how good the signal quality is. So I need to get RSSI of LTE network and I know that CellSignalStrengthLte has special method for getting RSSI, but it is available for API > 29, but my app has min API of 23. _cellSignalStrengthListener2 = new CellSignalStrengthListener(this) Rsrp lte